Current jobs related to Controller - Kongens Lyngby - Randstad AS
AI Researcher in Wind Control
3 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeWind farm control optimization is a key area of research that can significantly impact the efficiency and reliability of wind energy production. As an AI researcher in wind control, you will have the opportunity to develop and test new AI-driven algorithms for wind farm control optimization, focusing on accuracy, reliability, and robustness.In this role, you...
Business Controller
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Bang & Olufsen Full timeAbout UsBang & Olufsen is a leading manufacturer of luxury audio products that change moods and inspire minds. For over 100 years, we have been pushing the boundaries of audio technology, creating products characterized by beautiful sound, timeless design, and unrivalled craftsmanship.As a global company with offices in Denmark (headquartered in Struer) and...
Business Controller, Global Marketing
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Bang & Olufsen Full timeCareer Opportunities: Business Controller, Global Marketing & Communications & Global Retail (2010) Join B&O in this new Business Controller position, working as part of a collaborative team that supports the central Group Functions. Your role specifically will be to support Global Marketing, Global Retail and Product Marketing. Being a vital link between...
Manager of Process Control Systems
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark NNE Inc. Full timeAre you ready to unleash your potential and make a difference in the pharmaceutical industry? At NNE Inc., we are seeking a talented Manager of Process Control Systems to lead our team of experts.The ideal candidate will have a strong background in engineering projects, with experience in people management and/or team management. A degree in engineering...
Business Controller
22 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full timeVil du have ansvar og stor indflydelse på både økonomistyring og dataanalyse? Har du interesse for økonomistyring og kunne du tænke dig et job, hvor du agerer som central rådgiver og sparringspartner for ledelsen i en forsyningsvirksomhed med en stribe meget spændende projekter i pipeline? Lige nu er vi nemlig på udkig efter en business controller,...
Global Marketing Director
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Bang & Olufsen Full timeAbout the RoleWe are seeking a seasoned Business Controller to join our team in Global Marketing. This role will play a vital part in supporting our central Group Functions and driving the strategic direction of the company towards Luxury, Timeless, Technology.In this position, you will be responsible for providing financial sparring to the Group CMO and VP...
Financial Planning Manager
3 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Bang & Olufsen Full timeAbout the PositionWe are looking for a skilled Financial Planning Manager to join our team in Global Marketing. As a key member of the team, you will be responsible for providing financial support to the Group CMO and VP of Global Retail, as well as overseeing budgeting/forecasting and controlling within Brand, Marketing & Communication and Global Retail.You...
PhD Scholarship in Wind Farm Optimization
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeWind farm control optimization is a critical area of research that can significantly impact the efficiency and reliability of wind energy production. As a PhD student in this field, you will have the opportunity to develop and test new AI-driven algorithms for wind farm control optimization, focusing on accuracy, reliability, and robustness.In this role, you...
Senior Compliance Officer
12 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark COWI AS Full timeAbout the roleAs a Senior Finance and ESG Compliance Specialist, you will play a critical role in ensuring COWI operates in compliance with accounting practice, internal financial policies, and ESG requirements.The position offers great opportunities for professional growth and development.ResponsibilitiesDevelop and maintain internal controls framework for...
Finance and Sustainability Professional
12 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark COWI AS Full timeJoin a dynamic teamCoworkers, partners, and customers – everyone has something to contribute. We take pride in working together towards a shared goal.We are looking for someone who shares our values and is eager to collaborate with others.Key responsibilitiesDeveloping and maintaining internal controls to ensure compliance with financial regulations and...
Control Systems Integration Lead
6 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark NNE Inc. Full timeAbout NNE Inc.We are experts in end-to-end pharma engineering, delivering innovative solutions for millions of patients worldwide. Our success is built on strong relationships with our customers and colleagues.The RoleWe are seeking a Senior Automation Engineer to join our Fill Finish Automation department. In this role, you will be responsible for designing...
Regnskabsfører - Ledelse
3 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Delegate AS Full timeHvad vi søgerTil at være med på den spændende rejse, søger vi en erfaren og stabil Financial Controller, der kan bistå med at varetage de regnskabsmæssige- og administrative opgaver i en konstant voksende virksomhed. Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling. Du bliver en del af finansteamet, der udover dig, består af vores Finance Manager som du vil...
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark COWI AS Full timeSenior Finance and ESG Compliance Specialist Do you want to create the solutions the world needs today for a better tomorrow? Can you bridge the gap between external regulations and internal guidelines while ensuring a culture of compliance? Then, this is the opportunity for you. Create solutions to enable a better tomorrow. We are looking for a Senior...
Compliance and Reporting Specialist
12 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark COWI AS Full timeOur culture and work environmentAt COWI, we value differences and development, cultivating an environment of belonging and having fun.Our workplace is designed to bring out the best in you, at work and home.RequirementsMaster's degree in finance, accounting, or other relevant education. Professional certification like ACCA, CPA, CIA, or similar is a valuable...
Validation Process Owner
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Novo Nordisk AS Full timeAbout the TeamThe team responsible for implementing standardised qualification processes is comprised of highly qualified professionals and specialists who continuously develop and improve quality control processes. As a member of this team, you will have the opportunity to work on challenging projects and contribute to the development of a global validation...
Project Quality Lead
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Novo Nordisk AS Full timeAbout the DepartmentThe Validation Standards department at Novo Nordisk A/S is responsible for developing a global validation standard for all new Fill Finish facilities sites, ensuring the quality of the final product during the manufacturing process. We develop and implement quality control plans and work closely with other departments to maintain quality...
Leader in Pharma Automation Engineering
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark NNE Inc. Full timeNNE Inc. is committed to continuously developing its people. As a company that values innovation and collaboration, we offer a vibrant and project-based work environment that encourages creativity and growth.We are looking for a skilled Leader in Pharma Automation Engineering who can drive our team forward. The ideal candidate will have a strong background...
Group Consolidation Specialist
7 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Bang & Olufsen Full timeDo you have a passion for financial reporting and system optimization? Are you motivated by transparency and efficiency in the financial consolidation processes? Join an international, public company – and influence our journey to become a world-class finance organization. Do you want to contribute to the growth of a global luxury brand? As a Group...
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark NNE Inc. Full timeNNE Inc. is a leading company in end-to-end pharma engineering, designing and building pharma facilities that are essential for millions of patients worldwide. We are experts in creating seamless integration of control systems into facilities, making us a trusted partner in the pharmaceutical industry.About the Role:We are looking for a Senior Automation...
Administrationsleder - Finans
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Delegate AS Full timeOm osVi søger en erfaren og stabil Financial Controller til at bistå med at varetage de regnskabsmæssige- og administrative opgaver i vores konstant voksende virksomhed. Vi tilstræber at skabe en dynamisk arbejdsplads, hvor man går glad på arbejde, og hvor medarbejderne sætter en ære i at levere et stabilt stykke arbejde.
![Randstad AS](
2 weeks ago
Brænder du for at optimere processer og arbejdsgange, samtidig med at du tager del i den daglige drift? Er du kvalitetsbevidst, detaljeorienteret og besidder en høj faglig stolthed? Og vil du være med til at indfri Alternative Equity Partners’ høje ambitioner om fortsat at kunne levere det bedste til deres investorer? Så er du den controller, de søger til deres fondsadministration.
om stillingen Alternative Equity Partners (AEP) er en af Danmarks førende forvaltere af alternative investeringsfonde inden for aktivklasser som private equity, private debt, ejendomme og infrastruktur.
Du vil som controller blive en del af afdelingen ’Fund Administration’, hvor du sammen med tre andre dygtige og sparringsparate kollegaer vil løse opgaver inden for regnskab, rapportering og administration.
Selskabets kontor er placeret i charmerende lokaler i Kongens Lyngby, og du vil referere til selskabets Head of Fund Administration.
dine opgaver og ansvarsområder I denne rolle vil du tage del i den daglige drift og varetage administrative opgaver i relation til de investeringsfonde, som AEP har under forvaltning, ligesom du vil varetage mere projektorienterede opgaver.
Din opgaveportefølje vil bl.a. bestå af:
• Optimering af regnskabsprocesser og systemer, herunder udvikling, test og implementering, i samarbejde med kolleger i andre afdelinger
• Formidling af kompleks information til såvel kolleger som investorer i fondene
• Besvarelse af investorforespørgsler
• Bogføring (finans, debitor og kreditor)
• Periodeafstemning og rapportering
• Indberetninger til Nationalbanken, Skat, Finanstilsynet mv.
hvem er du Vi søger dig, der motiveres af at forenkle og optimere processer, og som har lyst til at bidrage til fortsat at sikre høj kvalitet i de ydelser, som AEP leverer til investorerne i de alternative investeringsfonde, de har under forvaltning. Høj faglighed, selvstændigt initiativ og engagement er desuden afgørende faktorer for at blive en succes i stillingen.
Vi forestiller os derudover, at du:
• Har en relevant uddannelse inden for regnskab og økonomi som f.eks. cand.merc.aud., cand.merc(asc.), cand.merc(fir.) eller HD i regnskab og økonomistyring
• Har erfaring fra en lignende stilling, enten som fuldtidsansat eller som studenterstilling
• Er stærk i brugen af Excel
• Har sans for detaljen og har en analytisk og struktureret tilgang til opgaver og udfordringer
• Er holdspiller, har gå-på-mod og kan lide at tage ansvar
• Har flair for at formidle kompleks information i et let forståeligt sprog til kolleger og investorer i fondene
Det er ikke et krav, at du har kendskab til fonde og investering, men det er et plus at have interesse på området.
du tilbydes • Et bredt arbejdsområde og mange nye udfordringer
• 50 dygtige og imødekommende kollegaer, som kan lide at tilbringe tid sammen, og som gør noget ud af det sociale i hverdagen
• At blive en del af en spændende virksomhed i en koncern, der er på en ambitiøs vækstrejse
• En dynamisk hverdag præget af en åben og uformel omgangstone og en flad organisationsstruktur
• En god work-life-balance
• Løn efter kvalifikationer samt en god pensions- og sundhedssikringsordning
om alternative equity partners Alternative Equity Partners A/S er en af Danmarks førende forvaltere af alternative investeringsfonde (kollektive investeringsenheder) inden for aktivklasser som private equity, private debt, ejendomme og infrastruktur.
Alternative Equity Partners er søsterselskab til Secure Spectrum Fondsmæglerselskab, som er én af Danmarks førende formueforvaltere med DKK 45 mia. under forvaltning. Secure Spectrum rådgiver formuende personer og institutionelle investorer inden for både likvide og illikvide investeringer i højeste kvalitet.
rekrutteringsprocessen Randstad forestår rekrutteringen på vegne af Alternative Equity Partners A/S. Såfremt stillingen har fanget din interesse, bedes du ansøge via denne side. Vil du vide mere om stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte konsulent Louise Stigel på e-mail Vi er på sommerferie frem til d. 5. august, hvor vi vil gennemgå ansøgninger.
om randstad Randstad DK er en del af den internationale Randstad Group, som er verdens største udbyder af HR-løsninger. Med over 4.900 kontorer fordelt på 39 lande formidler vi hver dag arbejde til mere end 650.000 mennesker verden over.
I Danmark er vi blandt de førende vikar- og rekrutteringsbureauer med afdelinger i København, Aarhus, Aalborg og Kolding. En position, vi har opnået, fordi vi som eksperter på arbejdsmarkedet formår at matche kvalificerede kandidater med de rette jobmuligheder.