Current jobs related to Bliv graduate i Financial Institutions Group - Copenhagen, Copenhagen - Nykredit

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Danske Bank Full time

    Danske Bank is committed to being a reliable financial partner for our clients, providing innovative solutions and great service. As a leading financial institution in the region, we pride ourselves on our strong culture of collaboration, integrity, and high standards.About Debt Capital MarketsIn Debt Capital Markets, we provide bond origination and...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Danske Bank Full time

    At Danske Bank, we are committed to being a reliable financial partner for our clients, providing innovative solutions and great service. As a leading financial institution in the region, we pride ourselves on our strong culture of collaboration, integrity, and high standards. Being a powerhouse in the Nordic markets, we are focused on driving growth and...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Lagkagehuset Full time

    Group Financial Controller – En central rolle i at styrke vores finansielle processerLeder du efter en stilling, hvor du kan bruge dine finansielle kompetencer hver dag?Er du klar til at gøre en forskel i en ambitiøs, international virksomhed? Vi søger en erfaren Group Financial Controller, der vil spille en afgørende rolle i at sikre stærk finansiel...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Taylor Financial Recruitment Ltd Full time

    Taylor Financial Recruitment Ltd is offering a challenging role as a Financial Investment Manager. You will be responsible for managing high-net-worth AV client relationships, gaining an understanding of wealth management in Denmark, and speaking to high-net-worth investors to understand their financial position.This is a mid-senior level full-time position,...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark SEB group Full time

    Compliance ExpertiseAs the Head of Compliance within SEB Denmark, you will leverage your extensive experience in compliance to drive strategic growth and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. Your expertise will be instrumental in supporting the business and management to navigate complex regulatory landscapes.Required Skills:A master's degree in law...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Nordea Full time

    Job OverviewWe are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Client Associate to join our Large Corporates & Institutions team in Copenhagen. As a key member of our team, you will play a crucial role in building and maintaining strong relationships with our institutional customers, driving business growth, and delivering exceptional client...

  • Graduate Program

    2 days ago

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Presidents Full time

    Join to apply for the Graduate Program role at Presidents Institute 5 days ago Be among the first 25 applicants Join to apply for the Graduate Program role at Presidents Institute Trives du i et ambitiøst miljø med store mål og hurtigt tempo? Brænder du for at bygge og drive virksomheder, og motiverer det dig med meget ansvar? Ønsker du at være del...

  • Portfolio Manager

    4 days ago

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Taylor Financial Recruitment Ltd Full time

    Due to recent growth, we are currently recruiting Portfolio Managers to work in our offices in Dublin and to join one of the largest Wealth Managers in the world. We offer a bespoke service to high-net-worth individuals and institutions looking for an alternative method of investing. The Opportunity: Through hands-on training and mentorship, your personal...

  • Financial Leader

    2 days ago

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Lunar Denmark Full time

    Lunar Denmark is a tech-powered bank redefining banking in the Nordics. We're breaking boundaries by combining innovative technology with financial services to disrupt the traditional banking landscape.We're growing fast, and we need a Head of Group Accounting and Controlling to help lead this transformation. You'll be part of our Finance Leadership Team,...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Saxo Group Full time

    At Saxo Group, we are seeking a highly skilled and innovative Financial Performance Analyst to join our team. As a key member of the Group Revenue Management Team in Group Finance & Legal, you will play a pivotal role in driving our transition towards enhanced financial performance.The ideal candidate will have at least 8+ years of experience in financial or...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark twoday Full time

    twoday is the leading digital transformation partner in Northern Europe with a global presence. With approximately 3,000 technologies, we collaborate with the most admired private and public organizations to deliver cutting-edge digital solutions. Our deep industry expertise spans from Data & AI, software development, digital experiences, to business...

  • Cloud Specialist

    2 days ago

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Danske Bank Group Full time

    Company Overview:Danske Bank Group is a leading financial institution in the Nordic region, known for its innovative approach to finance. Our team is dedicated to providing efficient financial solutions that benefit our customers, colleagues, and society.

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark SEB group Full time

    We are seeking a Financial Crime Prevention Specialist to join our Transaction Monitoring Technology and Investigation Platforms unit. The successful candidate will have strong analytical skills, experience in conducting data analysis, and the ability to think critically and strategically.About the CompanySEB Group is a leading Nordic financial services...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Saxo Group Full time

    We are looking for a seasoned Senior Financial Modelling Expert to join our team at Saxo Group. As a key member of the Group Revenue Management Team, you will be responsible for leveraging cutting-edge tools and methodologies to drive our understanding of trade revenue.The ideal candidate will have a strong background in financial modeling and a solid...

  • Graduate Program

    2 days ago

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark NNIT AS Full time

    Programstart: 1. maj 2025 | Ansøgningsfrist: 16. marts 2025 | Kontortilknytning: Søborg eller Århus Kickstart din karriere som IT Business Consultant indenfor ERP Slut dig til en af de mest attraktive Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O-partnere i Danmark og få mulighed for at styrke dine kompetencer, så du kan spille en nøglerolle i implementering af...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark MasterCard Full time

    Job Description:We're seeking a skilled Graduate Product Specialist to join our team. As a member of our product development team, you'll work closely with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and launch new products that meet the evolving needs of our customers.Responsibilities:Develop business cases for new product opportunitiesCreate scalable...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Hs Mittweida Full time

    The Nordics region offers a unique blend of innovation and tradition, where you can contribute to shaping the future of transportation. Our Graduate Programme is designed to develop your skills and knowledge, providing a comprehensive introduction to our company's operations in the region.As a participant in this programme, you will embark on a 12-month...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Saxo Group Full time

    Are you passionate about data and financial modeling, with a keen interest in uncovering insights that drive strategic decision-making? We are seeking a dedicated and innovative Senior Financial Analyst to spearhead our transition towards enhanced financial performance and strategic decision-making within Saxo. The Team and Responsibilities You will be...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Nordea Full time

    Our TeamOur Large Corporates & Institutions team is a dynamic and collaborative group of professionals who share a passion for finance and customer service. We work together to deliver exceptional customer experiences, drive business growth, and build strong relationships with our institutional customers.We are committed to providing our employees with the...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Maj Invest Full time

    As a Partner at MIFI, you will lead our financial inclusion investment funds. You will manage funds, drive fund investments and manage portfolios in India and other underserved markets. Your primary focus is to identify, evaluate and manage new investment opportunities in financial institutions advancing financial inclusion and in companies providing...

Bliv graduate i Financial Institutions Group

2 weeks ago

Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Nykredit Full time

Vil du have udvikling og muligheder? Og ved du allerede nu, at du vil accelerere din karriere fra første dag? Som graduate i Financial Institutions Group bliver du en del af et team, som fungerer som Debt Capital Markets for finansielle institutioner. Vi rådgiver banker og forsikringsselskaber om kapital og funding med udgangspunkt i selskabernes kapitalstruktur og finansiel regulering og arrangerer obligationsudstedelser i ind- og udland.

Få den bedste start på din karriere
I Nykredit bliver du en del af et struktureret og velafprøvet graduate-forløb. Graduate-forløbet varer i 10 måneder, og du vil under hele forløbet være fast tilknyttet afdelingen Financial Institutions Group, der er en del af forretningsområdet Nykredit Markets.

Vi tør godt love dig, at vi i Nykredit prioriterer din udvikling og dine muligheder i et forløb, hvor vi har fokus på både din forretningsforståelse og personlige udvikling. Og det gælder ikke kun under dit forløb, men også efter, når vi sammen med dig skaber din fremtidige karrierevej i Nykredit. Vi går nemlig efter, at 60% af vores ledige stillinger i hele koncernen besættes af kolleger fra egne rækker. Og når det kommer til lederstillinger, stiler vi efter 70%.

Sådan vil du bidrage til et foreningsejet Nykredit
Som graduate tager du del i vores strategi og er med til at udvikle vores mål om at blive hele Danmarks foreningsejede og samfundsansvarlige finansielle virksomhed, der bidrager til den grønne omstilling.

Lige præcis dit perspektiv er vigtigt
I Nykredit tror vi nemlig på, at vi skaber den bedste arbejdsplads, når vores team er sammensat af kolleger med forskellige færdigheder, baggrunde og erfaringer. Det betyder, at vi leder efter dig, som vil bidrage med lige præcis dit perspektiv – så vi hele tiden kan inspirere og lære af hinanden.

Det forventer vi af dig
Det er en forudsætning, at du afslutter din kandidatuddannelse til sommer 2025 eller har afsluttet den inden for det seneste år. Herudover lægger vi vægt på, at du:

  • har haft fag med fokus på økonomi, finansiering, regnskab eller matematik
  • motiveres af at lave fagligt solide analyser på baggrund af velstruktureret data
  • har et godt teoretisk fundament og stærke analytiske evner, samt stor interesse for kapitalmarkederne og finansielle produkter
  • er opsøgende og ansvarsbevidst af natur.

Det kan du forvente af et forløb i Financial Institutions Group
Du vil blive en del af et team, hvor fokus er på analyse af kapitalstrukturoptimering samt tilrettelæggelse og eksekvering af kapitalmarkedstransaktioner for vores kunder. Vi arbejder tæt sammen med kolleger fra andre afdelinger i Nykredit Markets med det formål at levere gode kundeoplevelser. Vi tror på, at forudsætningen for afdelingens succes er høj faglighed og bredt samarbejde på tværs af de forskellige teams.

Dine arbejdsopgaver vil blandt andet bestå af at:

  • analysere bankers kapitalstruktur og udarbejde præsentationer og anbefalinger omkring kapitaloptimering med udgangspunkt i det enkelte selskabs kapitalforhold og finansiel regulering
  • tilrettelægge obligationsudstedelser i kapitalmarkedet både med Nykredit som enearrangør og i et syndikat af banker
  • skabe og vedligeholde gode kunderelationer gennem strategisk dialog og løbende sparring.

Send os din ansøgning
Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig og glæder os til at modtage:

  • Ansøgning.
  • Eksamenskarakterer (skal vedhæftes).

Nykredit er nemlig ejet af en forening af vores kunder, Forenet Kredit. Det giver os nogle særlige muligheder og en forpligtelse til at give tilbage til vores kunder og til samfundet.

At vi er en foreningsejet arbejdsplads kommer også til udtryk i vores medarbejderløfte, hvor vi lover udvikling og muligheder til dig, der vil og kan. I Nykredit bliver du en del af en kultur præget af holdånd, ligeværd og handlekraft – og du får kolleger, der vil være bedst til kunder. Du vil også opleve, at din leder er ambitiøs – ikke mindst på dine vegne – og er trænet i at støtte din udvikling og guide dig videre, når du er klar til næste skridt i din karriere. Selvfølgelig i Nykredit.
