CAD Technologist i Aalborg
1 week ago
- aalborg, nordjylland
- fastansættelse
- fuldtid
udgivet 4 september 2024
- jobkategori
ingeniør & teknik - kontakt
frederik brusgaard - kontakt email
- referencenr.
Do you thrive in working with CAD drawings and structural properties? Are you skilled in the use of CAD software where the fine details are essential? Then here you have the opportunity to take part in shaping the future of space technology.
GomSpace is currently seeking an experienced CAD Technologist to join their skilled team working with technical drawings of satellite products.
about the job
As the new CAD Technologist, you will play a critical role in the development of cutting-edge satellite products. In this role, you will be working with CAD software to create, modify, and optimize designs and drawings of various GomSpace products. You will get the chance to participate in working with both primary structures such as the satellite frames as well as smaller intricate components that are crucial to the output of the satellite.
Working as the CAD Technologist, you will get the opportunity to update and take ownership of the library of technical drawings, and assist in standardizing and systemizing procedures to make future tasks more effective. You will use your skills and knowledge of mechanical design and work with the principle of ‘Design for Manufacturability’ in mind.
To perform your work, you will be working in close collaboration with various technical colleagues in both the electronics team, the mechanical team and the system engineering team. Furthermore, you will also collaborate with mechanical suppliers and manufacturing teams throughout the development process.
In the role of CAD Technologist, your key responsibilities include:
- Participating in the work with CAD drawings
- Creating, modifying and optimizing properties
- Working with large structures and meticulous components
- Managing and updating the drawing library
- Systemizing and standardizing documents and methods
about you
We are looking for a candidate who pays attention to detail. You have a flair for connecting theoretic and practical execution so that ideas become reality. You are a person who takes initiative and responsibility for your work, and you follow through on your assigned tasks.
In your work, you have the ability to maintain a large overview, and you are eager to seek ways of systemizing and standardizing procedures for future use.
You have previous experience in working in CAD software, most relevant is SolidWorks.
You have a relevant technical background in areas such as Production Technology, Technical Product Design, or Mechanical Engineering.
Additionally, we are seeking a candidate who:
- Is fluent in both Danish and English
- Is a team player
- Is not afraid to take ownership of tasks
additional information
The work location will be at the GomSpace headquarters in Aalborg, Denmark.
about gomspace
GomSpace makes space accessible, affordable, and useful With this tagline as the main vision, GomSpace is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of nanosatellites and microsatellites in both the academic, government and commercial sector.
GomSpace is an ambitious, agenda-setting player in the nanosatellite business with a track-record of innovating new applications and in-orbit performance which is second to none.
With 16 years of experience in the market and a track record of multiple successful missions, GomSpace has developed profound knowledge and competencies within radio technology, Cubesat platforms, project management, and innovation.
application and contact
If you find this position interesting, please apply via Randstad’s website by clicking the button “apply now” to the left. We review applications on an ongoing basis and call in for interviews as soon as the right candidate applies.
If you have any further questions about the position, feel free to contact Consultant Frederik Brusgaard (+45 2172 4985) or Senior Consultant Jakob Hove (+45 4412 3220).
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