Assistant Associate
1 week ago
Som Assistant Associate (advokatfuldmægtig) i Kromann Reumert får du ansvar på en måde, hvor du skal strække dig på tæer for at nå i mål, men hvor du altid vil få hjælp fra dine ledere og andre kolleger. Du kommer med helt ind i kernen af store, udfordrende og spændende sager, der fylder og betyder noget i samfundet – og især for vores klienter – og som vi løser som ét team på tværs af kontorer og specialer.
Hverdagen i Kromann Reumert er fyldt med store, udfordrende og spændende sager, der betyder meget for vores klienter og medarbejdere og sætter et aftryk på samfundet. Fra sag til sag og dag til dag rykker det vores erhvervsjurister både fagligt og personligt – og derfor må du gerne have lige så høje forventninger til Kromann Reumert, som vi har til dig.
Som Assistant Associate gennemgår du et forløb, hvor du får plads til at vise, hvad du kan, og hvor du samtidig opbygger tætte relationer til resten af fuldmægtigteamet og dine øvrige kolleger. Vi har en klar ambition om at give dig Danmarks bedste fuldmægtigforløb, så du kan blive en dygtig og tillidsskabende rådgiver for både danske og internationale klienter. Vi er en betroet rådgiver for vores klienter, fordi vi kan hæve blikket fra sagens detaljer og gøre juraen kommerciel i en forretningsmæssig og ofte også international sammenhæng. Det sørger vi for, at du også kommer til at lære.
Du får en bred fundering og mulighed for stigende ansvar i et stort videnhus med mange specialer. Vi har et fælles ansvar for din udvikling og fremtid på tværs af ambitioner, specialer og landegrænser. Vi tilpasser ansvaret til din erfaring og står klar til at sparre med dig, når du har brug for det. Vi forventer også, at du selv tager initiativ og ansvar, for på den måde får du større indflydelse og kan være med til at overgå dine og vores forventninger.
Din udvikling som Assistant AssociateSom Assistant Associate indgår du i vores medarbejderudviklingsprogram, EXPECT, som en del af din faglige og personlige udvikling. Du gennemgår et struktureret forløb, der bidrager til din personlige udvikling samt din juridiske og kommercielle indsigt, så du kan blive en af landets dygtigste erhvervsadvokater.
Vi vil være danske virksomheders foretrukne internationale samarbejdspartner. Det er en ambition som kun nås ved at investere i vores medarbejdere og give mulighed for at arbejde med juraen i en international kontekst.
Som Assistant Associate og senere som Associate får du mulighed for at udvikle og styrke dit internationale fokus. Som Assistant Associate kan du få mulighed for at blive udstationeret på vores kontor i London, på et advokatkontor i udlandet og/eller en virksomhed enten her i landet eller uden for Danmarks grænser. Flere af vores associates har blandt andet også valgt at gennemføre en international uddannelse som eksempelvis MBA eller LLM i England og Frankrig.
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeThe Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University invites applications for an Assistant/Associate Professor position in Danish as a Second Language. As an Assistant/Associate Professor in this field, you will contribute to national and international research and publications, participate in national and international networks, and engage in knowledge exchange...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeThe School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University invites applications for the position of tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor of the experience economy based at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy.The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time appointment as assistant...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeAarhus University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor of experience economy. The position is based at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy.The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time appointment as assistant professor with a view to permanent employment as...
Assistant Professor in Digital History
4 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus University Full timeDirect message the job poster from Aarhus University Associate Professor and PI @ ERC project WEB CHILD, Changing Childhood in the Early Era of the WWW Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University and the ERC project WEB CHILD invites applications for a position as assistant professor in digital history. The position will commence on 1...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeJob OverviewWe are seeking an associate professor in management science to join our team at Aarhus University. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting research, teaching, and supervising students at all levels.Key ResponsibilitiesConducting research on topics relevant to modern companies, with a focus on organisational psychology,...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet Full timeDepartment of Biomedicine - Forsk. & udd., Skou-bygningen - Faculty: Health Associate Professor of Single-Cell and Spatial Proteomics Deadline 19 Mar 23:59 CET Expected start 1 Apr Fixed term full-time position 1 Apr 2026 - 31 Mar 2031 ID: 17486 The Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Lifescience job Full timeAssociate Professor of Single-Cell and Spatial ProteomicsThe Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Associate Professor in the field of Proteomics as per 1st April 2026 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed 5-year full-time position.The department of Biomedicine...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Lifescience job Full timeAssociate Professor of Single-Cell and Spatial Proteomics The Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Associate Professor in the field of Proteomics as per 1st April 2026 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed 5-year full-time position. The department of Biomedicine...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Lifescience job Full timeOpret en jobagent og få nye jobannoncer direkte i din indbakke Klik her One or more associate professors in Circuit NeuroscienceThe Department of Biomedicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for one or more positions as Associate Professor in the field of Circuit Neuroscience as per 1 November 2025 or as soon as possible...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet Full timeDepartment of Public Health - Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Inst. of - Faculty: Health Associate Professor of Human Environmental Toxicology and Molecular Epidemiology Deadline 1 May 23:59 CEST Expected start 15 Dec Department of Public Health - Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Inst. of Bartholins Allé 2 8000 Aarhus C Fixed term...
Professor in the Field of Experience Economy
13 hours ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeAarhus University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor of experience economy. The position is based at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy.The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time appointment as assistant professor with a view to permanent employment as...
Economist of Experience at Aarhus University
13 hours ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeAarhus University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor of experience economy. The position is based at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy.The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time appointment as assistant professor with a view to permanent employment as...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Lifescience job Full timeAssistant Professor of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease The Department of Clinical Medicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor in the field of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease as per 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed-term full-time position...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Lifescience job Full timeAssistant Professor of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's DiseaseThe Department of Clinical Medicine at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor in the field of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease as per 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed-term full-time position...
Experience Economy Professor
13 hours ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeAarhus Universitet (AU) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor of experience economy. The position is based at the Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy.The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time appointment as assistant professor with a view to permanent employment...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet Full timeSchool of Culture and Society - History, subject - Faculty: Arts Assistant Professorship in Digital History, Aarhus University Deadline 25 Mar 23:59 CET Expected start 1 Feb School of Culture and Society - History, subject Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5 8000 Aarhus C Fixed term full-time position 1 Feb 2026 - 31 Jan 2029 ID: 17388 Department of History and...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Aarhus Universitet (AU) Full timeThe Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for associate professorship positions in organisation and management. An associate professorship is a full-time permanent position. Associate professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching activities, and the successful...
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Coloss Full timePosition in Agricultural Entomology, Aarhus University, Denmark The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark, offers an attractive career opportunity for promising and skilled researchers. We invite applications for a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor focusing on agricultural entomology. The position is a career development position...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Raket Webbyrå AB Full timeAssistant Professorship in Digital History, Aarhus University Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University and the ERC project WEB CHILD invites applications for a position as assistant professor in digital history. The position will commence on 1 February 2026 or as soon as possible. This assistant professorship is a full-time, three-year...
Tenure Track Professor
5 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Coloss Full timeColoss Job SummaryWe are seeking a tenure-track assistant professor to join our team. As a professor of entomology, you will be responsible for conducting research, teaching, and supervising students.About the PositionThis is a full-time probationary position with the possibility of transition to a tenured associate professorship. The expected start date is...