Current jobs related to Chief Financial Officer - Hedensted Kommune - People Executive

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    We are seeking a visionary Chief Cybersecurity Officer to drive our organization's cybersecurity strategy and spearhead efforts to protect our digital assets against current and emerging threats.About YouYou are a strategic thinker with extensive technical knowledge and business understanding, capable of balancing security priorities with business needs. As...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    Do you want to direct Information and Cyber Security at the heart of Bunker Holding?We are looking for an experienced and strategic Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to manage our Information and Cyber security program and advance our security vision forward. As CISO, you will be central to shaping and implementing our security strategy, ensuring...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    Do you want to direct Information and Cyber Security at the heart of Bunker Holding? We are looking for an experienced and strategic Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to manage our Information and Cyber security program and advance our security vision forward. As CISO, you will be central to shaping and implementing our security strategy, ensuring...

  • Financial Analyst

    3 days ago

    Middelfart Kommune, Denmark Global Risk Management Ltd. AS Full time

    Are you skilled in financial data analysis and do you enjoy combining innovative thinking with leading technologies to enhance the data journey of organizations? Join Our Established and Growing Company Global Risk Management is a leading provider of customized energy price risk hedging solutions. We combine our in-depth knowledge of the energy market,...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    Job DescriptionWe are seeking an experienced and strategic Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to manage our Information and Cyber security program and advance our security vision forward. As CISO, you will be central to shaping and implementing our security strategy, ensuring compliance with evolving regulations, and safeguarding our organization's...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    About the RoleWe are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Treasury Operations Specialist to join our team and assist in various treasury-related tasks.The ideal candidate will have strong analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills, with proficiency in MS Excel and other MS Office programs. Effective communication skills, both written and...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    About the PositionWe are seeking a Data Management and Analysis Professional to assist in various treasury-related tasks and contribute to critical projects and everyday tasks that impact our company.The ideal candidate will have strong analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills, with proficiency in MS Excel and other MS Office programs, and...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    About the OpportunityWe are seeking a Business Development Assistant - Treasury Department to assist in various treasury-related tasks and contribute to critical projects and everyday tasks that impact our company.The ideal candidate will be currently pursuing a bachelor's degree (5th or 6th semester) in finance, accounting, economics, or a related field,...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark Global Risk Management Ltd. AS Full time

    About UsGlobal Risk Management Ltd. A/S is a leading provider of customized price risk hedging solutions in the Energy space. As a wholly owned subsidiary of United Shipping and Trading Company (USTC), a worldwide conglomerate specializing in oil and biofuel supply and trading, shipping, and logistics, risk management, IT, and other services.Our MissionWe...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark PARETO SECURITIES AS Full time

    At PARETO SECURITIES AS, we are seeking a highly skilled and strategic Chief Information Security Officer to lead our organization's information security strategy and governance framework.About the PositionThis is a key leadership role in a global company that requires a deep understanding of cybersecurity frameworks, standards, and regulations. The...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark Global Risk Management Ltd. AS Full time

    Your Role in Our OrganizationAs a member of the Operation department within Business Operation & Analytics, you will be located in Copenhagen, and will collaborate with BI experts, a product owner, quantitative- and operation analysts.Your daily responsibilities will include: Financial data analysis and data visualizationAssisting business and support...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark Global Risk Management Ltd. AS Full time

    Would you like to contribute directly to the performance of the business? Are you a competitive sales professional who enjoys working in a global setting where no two days are the same? Then join our team in Singapore. An established company with consistent growth Global Risk management (GRM) is a leading provider of customised price risk hedging solutions...

  • Rudersdal Kommune, Denmark Tieto Denmark AS Full time

    We are looking for a Finnish speaking Customer Consultant who wants to be part of Tietoevry Banking. Tietoevry Banking is the leading financial services software and solution partner in the Nordics. We offer modular, pre-integrated banking as a service solutions and market-leading software for core, payments, credit, cards, financial fraud, and wealth. With...

  • Middelfart Kommune, Denmark Global Risk Management Ltd. AS Full time

    Would you like to contribute directly to the performance of the business? Are you a competitive trading professional who enjoys working in a global setting where no two days are the same? Then join our team in Singapore. An established company with consistent growth. Global Risk Management (GRM) is a leading provider of customised price risk hedging...

  • Rudersdal Kommune, Denmark Tieto Denmark AS Full time

    Solution Consultant, Tietoevry Banking Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity...

Chief Financial Officer

1 week ago

Hedensted Kommune, Denmark People Executive Full time

- til vækstvirksomhed inden for vind og sol

Vil du bidrage til den grønne omstilling, og har du lyst til at få det samlede finansansvar for en international virksomhed i kraftig vækst? Er du ekspert inden for økonomisk gennemsigtighed og optimal økonomistyring, regnskab og forretningsrådgivning til ledelsesteamet? Formår du at balancere fokus mellem stabil daglig drift og taktisk udførelse? Så er du måske den CFO, vi søger til Navitas Renewables med base i Hedensted. I denne rolle vil du indtage en strategisk vigtig position, hvor du er med til at forme det fremtidige økonomiske fundament for en virksomhed i hastig vækst.

Optimal økonomistyring og etablering af best practice
Rapporterende til CEO og som medlem af ledergruppen vil du være ansvarlig for virksomhedens samlede økonomistyring, regnskab og rapportering. Du vil bidrage til at sætte den strategiske dagsorden og spille en central rolle i eksekveringen af denne. Et stort fokusområde vil være at udvikle, optimere og implementere en strukturel finansiel styringsplatform for at understøtte væksten og virksomhedens ambitioner. Du vil have ledelsesansvaret for 5 økonomimedarbejdere i ind- og udland, hvorfor distanceledelse også udgør en vigtig disciplin i jobbet. Rollen er både strategisk, taktisk og hands-on, hvilket kræver, at du ikke er bange for at tage fat og udføre operationelle opgaver. Din succes vil blive målt på din evne til at skabe gennemsigtighed i hele værdikæden for at lette beslutningstagning på ledelsesniveau. Centrale opgaver inkluderer:

  • At skabe et korrekt grundlag for måneds- og årsrapportering
  • Compliance indenfor moms, skat og afgifter
  • Budgetudarbejdelse og opfølgning
  • At sikre anvendelse og videreudvikling af interne kontroller
  • Controlling og konsolidering
  • Forberedelse af materiale til bestyrelsen i samarbejde med ledelsen
  • Ad hoc-analyse- og udviklingsopgaver

Solid økonomisk indsigt kombineret med strategisk sparring
Du har sandsynligvis en relevant videregående uddannelse inden for økonomi og solid indsigt i alle aspekter af økonomisk ledelse og styring. Du har erfaring fra internationale organisationer, hvor du har bidraget til at modne og digitalisere de finansielle processer, og du har sandsynligvis besiddet en lignende stilling eller ser dette som et naturligt næste skridt. Endvidere har du erfaring med konsolidering af udenlandske datterselskaber. Du er kendt for at have et godt overblik og være et skridt foran i dine analyser, fordi du som person hurtigt gennemskuer problemstillinger samt formår at koble tal med forretningsforståelse. Dette, kombineret med din faglige viden, gør dig til en eftertragtet sparringspartner både blandt lederkolleger og medarbejdere. Du er fleksibel med en høj arbejdsmoral og selvdisciplin, og ikke mindst er du samarbejdsorienteret. Desuden bevæger du dig naturligt mellem ledergruppemøder og maskinrummet, har et smittende humør, går forrest og bidrager positivt til den gode stemning. Da du bliver en del af en international virksomhed, forventer vi, at du begår dig ubesværet på dansk og engelsk i skrift og tale.

Send dit cv
Rekrutteringsprocessen varetages af People Executive. Send dit cv via linket her på siden. Vi behandler ansøgninger løbende, og alle henvendelser behandles fortroligt.

Om virksomheden
Navitas Renewables A/S er en international servicevirksomhed med speciale i projektstyring, kvalitetssikring og installation af vindmølle- og solcelleprojekter. Virksomheden beskæftiger i dag ca. 170 ansatte, herunder ca. 20 funktionærer, resten teknikere, og har hovedkontor i Hedensted. Virksomheden er i kraftig vækst.
