Administrativ koordinator til Niels Bohr Institutet

2 days ago

Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

Vi søger en administrativ koordinator, der kan understøtte og samarbejde med vores forskere og studerende om at drive et forskningsmiljø i højt tempo og med store ambitioner.

  • Kompetencer:
  • Engelsk flydende i både tale og skrift
  • Service-minded og evner til at løse problemer
  • Indgående erfaring med koordinering og planlægning
  • Fleksibel og omstillingsparat
  • Evne til at arbejde i et team, hvor man hjælper og støtter hinanden

I roligen vil du være ansvarlig for at koordinere og udføre administrative opgaver, herunder understøtte strategisk prioriterede forsknings- og undervisningsaktiviteter. Du vil også være en nøgleperson i den nye organisering af instituttet og bidrage til en god tone på arbejdspladsen.

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    Administrativ koordinator til Niels Bohr Institutet Niels bohr Institutet ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger en Administrativ koordinator med tiltrædelse 1. maj 2025 eller snarest muligt herefter.Kom helt ind i maskinrummet med vores forskere og studerende og hjælp os med at koordinere og udføre...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    Københavns Universitet søger en dynamisk og engagementramt administrativ koordinator til at hjælpe vores forskere i den nye Niels Bohr Bygning på Jagtvej.Jobbet omkring Niels Bohr InstitutetTakket være denne mulighed kan du træffe alle de innovative og intelligente personer, der deler dit passion for at udvikle nye forsknings- og...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    Tilbud:Et spændende og udfordrende job i et internationalt miljø, hvor du vil kunne sætte dit præg på din arbejdsplads. Vi tilbyder et godt teamsamarbejde, flekstid og mulighed for udvikling.Søgespecifikation:Bachelorgrad eller lignende akademitrræde indenfor ledelse, administration eller et andet relevant feltGod engelsk sprogfærdighedErfaring med...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Hs Mittweida Full time

    Welcome to the Niels Bohr Institute's PhD research program in physics of life! We are seeking a highly motivated and talented researcher to join our team in investigating the complex interactions between viruses and bacteria.As a PhD researcher, you will have the opportunity to work on a cutting-edge project that aims to understand the universal principles...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Forsvaret Full time

    Forsvarets Sekretariat søger en Administrativ Koordinator.JobbeskrivelseVores sekretariat er ansvarlig for mødeplanlægning, mødestyring, udarbejdelse af materiale og oplæg på møder samt referater mv. Vi søger en medarbejder, der kan bidrage til at sikre, at Advisory Board kan arbejde effektivt og strategisk.Du vil være ansvarlig for de...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Kommune Full time

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  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Quantum Flagship Full time

    PhD Projects in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Niels Bohr InstituteFaculty of SCIENCEUniversity of Copenhagen The Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for two PhD fellowships in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. The projects are part of the research center Hybrid Quantum Networks, which is financed by the Danish...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Quantum Flagship Full time

    Postdoc in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute One postdoc position is available in the theoretical quantum optics group at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The position will be part of the quantum internet alliance, a European project aiming at building large-scale quantum...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Hs Mittweida Full time

    The Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a PhD research position in biophysics and complex systems. The project focuses on quantitative understanding of the interactions between viruses and bacteria, with the goal of achieving a universal understanding of these phenomena.We are looking for a talented and highly motivated scientist who is interested...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Quantum Flagship Full time

    About UsThe Niels Bohr Institute is a world-renowned institution for research and education in physics and astronomy. Our research spans a wide range of topics, from fundamental quantum mechanics to cutting-edge applications in fields such as quantum computing and materials science.We are proud to be part of the Quantum Flagship, a European project that...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    About the PositionWe are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our extragalactic streams group at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The successful candidate will contribute to our ongoing research projects focused on the dynamics of stellar streams within dark matter frameworks.The ideal candidate will have a strong...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet (KU) Full time

    DARK, Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen Applicants are invited for 1-2 postdoctoral research positions - 3 years of employment, in extragalactic stellar streams in Sarah Pearson's group at DARK, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The positions are part of the larger project: "Decoding Dark Matter with Stellar...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark H5 Housing AS Full time

    Om stillingen som Ejendomsadministrator hos H5 Housing A/SSom Ejendomsadministrator søger vi en lojal og effektiv medarbejder, der kan trække både nysgerrige og fokuserte lejere ind i vores ejendomsverden. Vi har brug for en administrativ magiker, der kan håndtere alt fra lejeaftaler til renteligt kvalitetskontrol.Jobbeskrivelse:Egenskaber:Takket være...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet (KU) Full time

    Job DescriptionWe are seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to join the Pearson Extragalactic Streams group at the Niels Bohr Institute.As a member of this team, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects related to extragalactic stellar streams, including:Globular cluster streams in dwarf galaxiesStream-finding algorithms to search...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    Senior Postdoctoral Researcher OpportunityJoin our vibrant research community as a senior postdoctoral researcher in experimental quantum optics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. This position offers a unique chance to lead and develop existing activities within coupled quantum emitters and spin-photon interfaces.You will be working...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet (KU) Full time

    About the PositionWe are looking for a highly skilled postdoctoral researcher to join our team at the Niels Bohr Institute. The successful candidate will be working on a variety of topics related to extragalactic stellar streams, including globular cluster streams in dwarf galaxies, stream-finding algorithms, and dark matter frameworks.Developing...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet (KU) Full time

    Københavns Universitet (KU)The Pearson Extragalactic Streams group is seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to join their team at the Niels Bohr Institute. As a member of this team, you will have the opportunity to work on various projects related to extragalactic stellar streams, including globular cluster streams in dwarf galaxies, stream-finding...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Quantum Flagship Full time

    About UsOur research group is a part of the Hybrid Quantum Networks Centre of Excellence at the Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen. We enjoy close collaboration with the theory group led by Professor Anders Sørensen and with experimental groups working on various topics related to quantum mechanics.What We OfferA dynamic and...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    PhD Fellowship in Atomic PhysicsWe invite applicants for a PhD fellowship in Atomic physics and Quantum optics with cavity-QED based atomic qubit platform. The position is available at the Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen.The project involves using ultra-cold atoms in optical traps to realize novel interaction-types that are...

  • Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Københavns Universitet Full time

    Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Quantum OpticsWe invite applications for a senior postdoctoral researcher position in experimental quantum optics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The selected candidate will join the experimental quantum photonics group and contribute to the development of novel quantum photonic nanostructures.As...