Google Ads Strateg
6 days ago
I rollen som Google Ads Strateg vil du blive ansvarlig for din egen kundeportefølje, hvor du skaber værdi gennem rådgivning, strategi og optimering af Ads-kampagner på tværs af platforme.
Du vil också arbejde tæt sammen med vores eksisterende team for at sikre, at våra kunder får den bedste service og løsninger.
Google Ads Specialist
5 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Seekings Full timeGoogle Ads Specialist søges – Bliv en del af et stærkt team Brænder du for Google Ads, data og kundevækst? Har du lyst til at arbejde i et ambitiøst miljø, hvor du kan udvikle dine færdigheder og skabe resultater for spændende kunder? Så er dette din mulighed for at blive en del af vores Google Ads-team. Vi søger nemlig en engageret Google...
Google Ads Specialister
5 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Seekings Full timeOmfang af jobbetI denne stilling vil du være ansvarlig for at:Opbygge og optimere Ads-kampagner på tværs af platforme.Opsætte og optimere produktfeeds i Merchant Center.Implementere tracking via Google Tag Manager.Rådgive kunder strategisk og dialoguelt.Analyser teknisk de kunders hjemmesider.Løbende rapportere og udføre performanceanalyser.Distribute...
Paid Ads Specialist
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Itch Marketing Full timeSøges: Erfaren Paid Ads Specialist med strategiske evner, digital snilde og teknisk forståelse (barselsvikariat) Har du erfaring med at omsætte tal og analyser til effektiv annoncering på de helt rigtige kanaler? Kan du sætte dig ind i forskellige kundebehov og ambitioner og eksekvere en stærk PPC-strategi ved at sikre, at kampagnerne kører med...
Senior Media Specialist
3 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Precis Digital Full timeAs a Senior Media Specialist - Performance Expert at Precis Digital, you will have the chance to grow and develop your skills and passions alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry. You will be part of a culture that is built on collaboration, trust, and innovation.We value having fun together – that's why we also have regular afterworks, team...
Digital Markedsføringskonsulent
5 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Seekings Full timeOm osHos Seekings er vi en stærk enhed af specialister, der brænder for digital markedsføring. Vi har vundet flere priser og værdsætter faglig udvikling og samarbejde.Tilvæksten af vores teamVores vision er at blive den førende leverandør af digital markedsføringsservices på markedet. For at opnå dette søger vi ivrigt efter eksperter til at...
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Seekings Full timeMål omkring kampagnenVores ambitioner omkring kampagnen er:At øge trafikken til kunden hjemmeside via Google Ads.At fremme salget og omsætningen gennem optimalisering af Ads-kampagnen.To integrere reklame med andre kanaler for at maksimere effekten.
Digital Markedsføringskonsulent
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Seekings Full timeOm StillingenI denne rolle søger vi en engageret Digital Markedsføringskonsulent til at hjælpe os med at opbygge og drive vores Google Ads-platform.Vi søger efter kandidater, der er i stand til at motivere og inspirere kunderne til at nå deres mål. Kandidaten skal have stærke kommunikations- og analytiske evner samt være i stand til at arbejde...
Global Danish Market Specialist
2 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark EcoOnline Full timeWe're on a mission to protect people and the planet by building and deploying transformative software. As a Country Marketing Manager, you'll play a key role in our Nordic team, focusing on the Danish market.Job Description:You'll be responsible for planning and executing marketing campaigns, launching new products, analyzing and optimizing digital sales and...
Senior Media Specialist
4 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Precis Digital Full timeAarhus As soon as possible Office/at-home balance Our Recruitment Process Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to work with and learn from some of the brightest minds within marketing, data, creative, and strategy? Do you like building strong relationships with clients and helping develop their businesses? We are currently looking for a new...
Digital Marketing Specialist
5 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark AVK Holding AS Full timeWe are seeking a skilled Digital Marketing Specialist to join our team at AVK Holding A/S. The ideal candidate will have a background in digital marketing and experience with website development and maintenance.As a Digital Marketing Specialist, you will be responsible for supporting the development of websites on our platform and their presence across...
Digital Marketing Specialist
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Alfotech Full timeI dette ledige søger vi en digital marketing specialist til vores digital marketing team. Du skal være i stand til at styrke vores online tilstedeværelse, vinde flere markedsandele og sikre, at vi fortsat er frontløbere i branchen.Du skal arbejde med følgende opgaver: Indholdsudvikling (nyhedsartikler, nyhedsbreve, videoer mm.)Søgemaskineoptimering...
Data Insights Specialist
4 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark s360 AS Full timeKey ResponsibilitiesYou will be part of our Measurement team and play a crucial role in delivering and advising on tracking and analytics solutions for our clients.Your responsibilities will encompass the development and implementation of durable measurement and tracking setups.Advising and configuration of e.g. Google Analytics 4, Consent Mode, Enhanced...
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Become AS Full timeVil durådgive virksomheder i det rette marketingmix? Som digital marketingrådgiver hos Become, bliver du en del af det team, som har ansvaret for at skaffe nye kunder til Become og onboarde dem rigtigt. Hos Become hjælper vi vores kunder med digital marketing på tværs af Google Ads, SEO, Paid Social og Email-marketing. Vi lever af langvarige...
Denmark Marketing and Communications Manager
2 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark EcoOnline Full timeEcoOnline is a pioneering SaaS company working tirelessly to protect people and the planet for future generations. We're seeking a seasoned Country Marketing Manager to lead our efforts in the Danish market.Responsibilities:Campaign Strategy and Execution: Develop and execute targeted marketing campaigns to engage with Danish customers.Product Launches:...
EcoOnline Country Marketing Director
3 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark EcoOnline Full timeEcoOnline is a fast-growing SaaS company dedicated to protecting people and the planet for future generations. We are seeking an experienced Country Marketing Manager to join our Nordic team, focusing on the Danish market.Key Responsibilities:Campaign Planning and Execution: Develop and implement targeted marketing campaigns to reach both new and existing...
Paid Search Specialist
1 day ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark FABO Full timeEr du klar til at drive vækst for nogle af Europas fedeste eCommerce brands?Vi leder efter en ambitiøs Paid Search Specialist, måske det er digDu har styr på Google og YouTube annoncering, elsker at skabe marketing resultater og trives i et hektisk og ambitiøst miljø. Lyder det som dig? Så er dette din chance for at blive en del af et team, der...
Global Digital Marketing Coordinator
6 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark AVK Holding AS Full timeWould you like to influence the digital AVK customer experience? We invite you into a global organisation focusing on growth, continuity and innovation where you will get the opportunity for personal and professional development. At AVK, we focus on giving our customers a great experience with our brand, also digitally. Therefore, we invite you to become...
Country Marketing Manager
3 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark EcoOnline Full timeWant to be a part of a company that's making a difference? We're a growing global tech company, with huge potential for curious and caring minds, committed to each other, to deliver solutions that protect people and the planet for future generations. Our team of experts are focused on creating meaningful impact and making a real difference for our...
BI & Analytics Specialist
7 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark Whistleblower Software Full timeFormalize Aarhus Full-time Salary Competitive Are you looking for a big challenge and opportunity to have a high impact on a startup company? If so, keep on reading The opportunity and what we offer Formalize is on a scaling journey with significant traction across Europe. As our new BI and Analytics Specialist, you'll have the opportunity to learn, grow,...
Country Marketing Manager
2 days ago
Århus, Århus Kommune, Denmark EcoOnline Full timeWant to be a part of a company that's making a difference? We're a growing global tech company, with huge potential for curious and caring minds, committed to each other, to deliver solutions that protect people and the planet for future generations. Our team of experts are focused on creating meaningful impact and making a real difference for our...