Research Funding Adviser
4 days ago
DTU Management søger en research funding adviser til vores Sektion for Funding og Kommunikation. Som research funding adviser vil du blive en del af et team, der støtter og rådgiver forskere inden for excellence funding (f.eks. ERC, DFF og Carlsberg).
I kernen handler dit job om at rådgive forskere om, hvor de skal søge funding, give feedback og kommentere ansøgninger, koordinere arbejdet med at sammensætte ansøgninger og supportere med administrationen af bevillinger. Det er forskeren, der har ansvaret for ansøgningen, men uden din support kan de ikke lykkes.
Som en del af et internationalt institut vil du få en bred kontaktflade til danske og udenlandske ansatte, studerende, gæster og samarbejdspartnere. Arbejdssproget er derfor både engelsk og dansk.
Dine primære arbejdsopgaver inkluderer:- Bistå med overblik over mulige finansieringskilder, og erfaringsopsamling fra bevilgede såvel som ikke-bevilgede ansøgninger.
- Bistå forskere med ansøgninger om midler til relevante finansieringskilder, bl.a. offentlige og private fonde samt EU, herunder sikre, at ansøgningerne både i form og indhold opfylder de krav, som finansieringskilderne stiller, samt bidrage til ikke-videnskabelige afsnit i nationale og internationale forskningsansøgninger.
- Bistå til projektadministration og afrapportering af allerede bevilligede projekter.
- Bidrage til at projekter overholder krav vedrørende data og personfølsomme data, herunder data management planer og overholdelse af GDPR.
- Være bindeled mellem instituttets forskere og DTU's jurister i forbindelse med kontrakter, samarbejdsaftaler og lign.
- Yde assistance i forbindelse med økonomistyring af projekter, herunder være bindeled til DTU's økonomicenter.
- Kommunikere med nationale og internationale samarbejdspartnere skriftligt som mundtligt.
- Proaktivt medvirke til at sikre at tidsplaner i ansøgningsprojekter og projekter overholdes af alle parter.
- Har en akademisk uddannelse eller uddannelse på tilsvarende niveau, gerne kombineret med erfaring fra en akademisk arbejdsplads.
- Har erfaring med administrativ koordinering af projekter og fundraising fra forskningsmiljøer og/eller erfaring fra fondsverdenen (både offentlig og privat).
- Gerne har et bredt overblik over nationale og internationale forskningsprogrammer og andre fundingmuligheder.
- Har en vis tæft for økonomi - særligt med henblik på udarbejdelse af og opfølgning på budgetter.
- Behersker dansk og engelsk på højt niveau, både skriftligt og mundtligt, og er vant til at arbejde i MS Office samt administrative IT-systemer bl.a. til journalisering og budgetopfølgning.
- Er servicemindet, samarbejdsorienteret og engageret samtidig med at du arbejder struktureret og systematisk.
Vi tilbyder et spændende og varieret job i en internationalt orienteret organisation. Du vil få stor indflydelse på planlægningen og løsningen af egne opgaver; gode muligheder for kompetenceudvikling samt vidensdeling på tværs af instituttet såvel som hele DTU-organisationen; gode arbejdsvilkår og kolleger i en virksomhed, der interesserer sig for sine medarbejdere.
Løn og ansættelsesvilkårLøn- og ansættelsesvilkår sker i henhold til overenskomst for akademikere i staten eller anden relevant overenskomst.
Din ugentlige arbejdstid er gennemsnitligt 37 timer.
Din arbejdsplads bliver DTU Management, Lyngby Campus.
Vi skal modtage din online ansøgning senest den 6. april 2025 . Åbn linket "Ansøg nu", hvor du udfylder ansøgningsformularen samt vedhæfter motiveret ansøgning, CV og eksamensbeviser.
Ønsker du flere oplysninger om stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte sektionsleder, Michaela Horn Simonsen, 2489 8022, Læs mere om instituttet på
Ansøgninger modtaget efter ansøgningsfristens udløb tages ikke i betragtning.
Alle interesserede uanset alder, køn, handicap, race, religion eller etnisk tilhørsforhold, opfordres til at søge stillingen. Da DTU arbejder med forskning i kritisk teknologi, hvormed der gælder særlige regler for blandt andet sikkerhed og eksportkontrol, kan der blive foretage open source-baggrundstjek af kvalificerede kandidater til stillingen.
DTU Managementforsker i samspillet mellem ledelse, teknologi og økonomi. Vi udvikler løsninger i tæt samarbejde med virksomheder og myndigheder. Vores forskning har til formål at styrke velfærd, produktivitet og bæredygtighed i samfundet. Et nøgleelement er teknologiens rolle og dens interaktion med erhverv og mennesker. På uddannelsesområdet bidrager DTU Management til en lang række af DTUs ingeniøruddannelser på bachelor-, kandidat- og ph.d.-niveau. DTU Management har 200+ medarbejdere. Vi tilbyder et internationalt miljø, hvor omkring halvdelen af de ansatte er fra udlandet.
Teknologi for menneskerDTU udvikler teknologi for mennesker. Med vores forskning og uddannelser i international topklasse er vi med til at skabe en bedre verden, og vi bidrager til løsningen af de globale udfordringer formuleret i FN's 17 verdensmål for en bæredygtig udvikling. H.C. Ørsted grundlagde DTU i 1829 med en klar mission om at udvikle og nyttiggøre naturvidenskab og teknisk videnskab til gavn for samfundet. Den mission lever den dag i dag. DTU har 13.500 studerende og 6.000 ansatte. Vi arbejder i en international atmosfære og har et inkluderende, udviklende og uformelt arbejdsmiljø. DTU har campusser i hele Danmark og i Grønland og samarbejder med de bedste universiteter verden over.
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeTransforming Research into RealityDTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability is a dynamic hub of scientific innovation, seeking an exceptional scientific fundraiser. As a key member of our team, you will be responsible for developing and coordinating applications for large research projects. Your expertise in scientific writing and negotiation will enable us to...
Director of Entrepreneurship Research and Education
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Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeJob DescriptionWe are seeking a highly skilled Professor to lead our research and education efforts in the field of technology entrepreneurship. The successful candidate will have a strong academic background, with a focus on organizational psychology, innovation management, or a related field.The professor will be responsible for teaching and supervising...
Sustainability Expert: Research Project Coordinator
22 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeUnlocking Opportunities for Sustainable GrowthThe DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability is committed to advancing scientific knowledge and promoting sustainable development. We are looking for a dedicated sustainability expert who can help us coordinate and develop research projects that address pressing environmental challenges. In this role, you will work...
Research Grant Manager for Innovation
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Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeNavigating Complex Research EcosystemsAs a research grant manager, you will be responsible for ensuring the successful execution of research projects at the DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability. Your expertise in scientific fundraising and project coordination will enable you to navigate complex partnerships and secure funding from various sources. You...
Postdoctoral Researcher in Stellar Dynamics
22 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timePursue a career in astrophysics research and contribute to advancing our understanding of stellar dynamics.The ERC-funded MAGNIFY project, led by Dr. Victoria Antoci, is seeking a talented Postdoctoral Researcher to explore the effects of magnetic fields on stellar structure and mixing processes within stars. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will create and...
Researcher in Advanced Chemical Systems
6 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU - Technical University of Denmark Full timeAbout the DepartmentOur department is one of the largest and most prestigious chemistry departments in Europe, with a strong focus on research-based teaching at the BSc, MSc, and PhD level. We are responsible for research and education within physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry.The position as professor in inorganic chemistry is...
Water Infrastructure Researcher
18 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeAt Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), we are committed to developing technology for people. Our Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering is one of the largest university departments specializing in environmental and resource engineering in Europe.We are seeking an experienced researcher and educator to join our faculty as a Water Infrastructure...
Aerospace Research Scientist
22 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeExplore the mysteries of stellar structures and pulsations in intermediate-mass stars.Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) is seeking an experienced Aerospace Research Scientist to join the ERC-funded MAGNIFY project, led by Dr. Victoria Antoci. This project delves into the effects of magnetic fields on stellar structure and mixing processes within stars. The...
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU Management Full timeDTU Management invites applications for a Chair (full professor) and Head of Section at the Department of Technology, Leadership, and Economics. We seek a distinguished scholar to join our team and lead research in organization studies.The new professor will take the lead in building a group within the field of technology and innovation, setting the academic...
PhD Position in Energy Research
6 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Fiskeritidende Full timeJob DescriptionWe are looking for a highly skilled Postdoctoral Researcher to join our team working on CO2 storage research. The successful candidate will be responsible for integrating thermodynamic models for CO2-rich mixtures into simulation analysis and implementing thermodynamic models for these mixtures.The project involves experimental measurement,...
Photonics Researcher
22 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeJob DescriptionWe are seeking a highly motivated and talented researcher to contribute to our efforts in developing integrated optical phased array (OPA) on silicon nitride integration platform for bioimaging.This is an exciting opportunity for early-stage researchers looking to establish their career as scientists in photonic integrated circuits and...
Lead Fungal Biotechnology Researcher
7 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU - Technical University of Denmark Full timeResearch at the Intersection of Fungal Biotechnology and AutomationAt DTU Bioengineering, we seek an experienced researcher to advance our expertise in fungal biotechnology and life science automation. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing innovative solutions to address sustainability challenges in primary production.The ideal...
Head of Technology and Innovation Research
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU Management Full timeWe are seeking a distinguished scholar to lead pioneering research in organization studies at DTU Management. The successful candidate will join our ecosystem of technological knowledge and innovation, contributing to understanding how technologies change organizational strategies and leadership.The new professor will chair our research on technology-driven...
Silicon Carbide Research Scientist
13 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeWe are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our team at DTU Electro. As a pioneer in the field of SiC optoelectronics, you will have the opportunity to contribute significantly to our project on High-efficiency high-power laser beaming in-space systems based on SiC (RePowerSiC), funded by the EIC pathfinder challenge.The postdoctoral...
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU Full timeAbout the JobThe DTU Electro Department of Electrical Engineering invites highly motivated candidates to apply for a position as an Associate/Assistant Professor in the Coding & Visual Communication Group at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.As part of our team, you will work on developing innovative solutions for energy-efficient and secure...
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU Management Full timeDTU Management is seeking a talented researcher to join our team as a PhD student in Science and Technology Studies. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of intelligent transportation systems, focusing on inclusive and efficient mobility solutions.Job DescriptionThe PhD project will be part of the Horizon-funded MOVEO project, which...
Research Scientist in Photonics
4 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU - Technical University of Denmark Full timeWe are seeking a talented physicist to join our team as a research scientist in photonics. The position focuses on developing resource-efficient programmable photonic circuits using thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) and tantalate (TFLT). Our approach involves cavity-based components with electrically controllable cavity-waveguide couplings that surpass the...
Academic Leader in Sustainable Chemistry
6 days ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark DTU - Technical University of Denmark Full timeDTU ChemistryWe are among the internationally leading departments of chemistry, with a strong focus on research-based teaching at the BSc, MSc, and PhD level. Our department is responsible for research and education within physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry.The position focuses on sustainable chemistry to obtain a deep...
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeWe are seeking a highly skilled and motivated individual to join our team as a DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor for Climate Change. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting research and development in sustainability assessment of water infrastructure systems, and teaching courses in environmental engineering and water management.The...
Sustainability Expert in Water Management
18 hours ago
Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Tårbæk Kommune, Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) Full timeWe are looking for a highly skilled and motivated individual to join our team as a Sustainability Expert in Water Management. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting research and development in sustainability assessment of water infrastructure systems, and teaching courses in environmental engineering and water management.The position...